Make Your Meetings Better with

Parliamentary Services

Parliamentary Procedure Workshops

Learn parliamentary procedure in accordance with:
Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR)
American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code (AIPSC)
Cannon’s Concise Guide to Rules of Order
Demeter’s Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure

Roberts Rules of Order Instruction

Valoree can teach you specific parliamentary topics or the basics of
Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR)
with an option to take the
National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) membership exam

Basic classes can be half day, full day or learn RONR by the book with her two-day course.

Convention Parliamentarian

Valoree can serve as the parliamentarian for your convention

As a convention parliamentarian, Valoree can advise the chair/President to make your meeting run smoothly. Let the chair focus on the business and Valoree will focus on the parliamentary procedure, motions, and members rights. She can attend preparatory meetings of the board, committees, and elections. Valoree can assist the organization in writing the meeting script, if requested.

Create or Revise Bylaws

Valoree can create or revise your organizational bylaws

When was the last time someone took on the challenge of revising your bylaws? Valoree can assist in drafting, amending, or revising your bylaws to make your bylaws work for your organization. Proposed bylaws amendments are presented in a readable format so the organization is clear on the proposed amendments.

Professional Presiding Officer

Valoree can preside over your organization’s meeting to expedite business

If the chair of your organization is unable or unwilling to preside, perhaps you have a contentious meeting agenda, Valoree can preside with confidence, fairness, and impartiality.

Script Writing

Valoree can provide you with scripts for your meetings

Would your organization benefit from a script for your meetings? Scripts assist the chair to stay on the agenda, use the correct verbiage, and Valoree includes additional information in scripts so the chair knows the votes necessary, who to recognize, etc. Use these templates for future meetings.

Parliamentarian Opinions

Valoree can write formal parliamentarian opinions

Have a parliamentary question that your organization needs a professional answer to coming from an unbiased and knowledge-based perspective? Valoree can provide your organization with a formal parliamentary opinion to specific questions with parliamentary resources cited to get the organization on the same page and moving forward.

Supervise Elections

Valoree can supervise your elections

Need an impartial teller for your election? Is your chair prepared to make the tellers report? Valoree can assist your organization in the election preparation, balloting, counting and reporting in order to avoid discrepancies.

Improve your Organization's Functionality

Parliamentary Services Offered

Valoree can serve as your parliamentarian for convention, meeting, or community association.  She can perform many other parliamentarian services, as well as offering a variety of training options.

Parliamentary Education

Virtual and in-person training.  Training for boards, minutes, members, and delegates.

Meeting Services

Convention parliamentarian, supervise elections, opinions, bylaws, and scripts.

Community Associations

Parliamentarian services for your community association.

Valoree Althoff

Certified Professional Parliamentarian - Teacher
Professional Registered Parliamentarian