Make Your Meetings Better

Contact Valoree Althoff

Contact Valoree Althoff

Estimates & Availability

Please use the contact form here.  Be sure to include the location, dates, times, and services requested in order to receive an accurate estimate for services.  Thank you for your consideration.

Contact Us

+1 505 360 5999

Improve your Organization's Functionality

Parliamentary Services Offered

Valoree can serve as your parliamentarian for convention, meeting, or community association.  She can perform many other parliamentarian services, as well as offering a variety of training options.

Parliamentary Education

Virtual and in-person training.  Training for boards, minutes, members, and delegates.

Meeting Services

Convention parliamentarian, supervise elections, opinions, bylaws, and scripts.

Community Associations

Parliamentarian services for your community association.

Valoree Althoff

Certified Professional Parliamentarian - Teacher
Professional Registered Parliamentarian